Witchy Musings was born of a desire to fill in a gap in witchy spaces: how does life following the rhythms of the Zodiac looks like? There is a lot of content out there about the transits but few people open up about the BTS of life as a witch. It all feels a bit IYKYK, and I wanted to create a space for people to bridge the woo and the practical.

Astrology is a language to talk about the human experience, and Witchy Musings is like those language forums where native speakers come to explain things you miss from the dictionary and textbooks.

This newsletter and the community I’m building around it is for you if:

  • you believe there’s magic to life, however you define magic, and want to poke around how other witches attune to it

  • you forget the astrological seasons are changing until it’s 5 days in and you’re not sure what to do with yourself so you could do with a reminder and some inspiration

  • you enjoy a good personal essay, and read people’s spiritual memoirs for fun (witchy or otherwise)

  • you want to cheer on a young woman stepping into their power, and/or are looking for inspiration to do it yourself

Every month, I will let my intuition guide me towards an aspect of the upcoming astrological season that is relevant to my life, and let you in on how I’m working with it, with tips and resources and ideas you are free to ignore for how you can work with the energy too. And it’ll come into your inbox on the 19th of every month, ideally at 2pm UK time, with chats open on the days of the New and Full Moons.

In the anatomy of a sales page there is usually a part where I tell you why I’m qualified to talk about what I’m talking about. There would be a problem if I wasn’t qualified to talk about me. Talk about sleepwalking through life…

As for the witchy part, I’ve been a practicing witch since 2021 and I talk about cosmic witchcraft on my podcast Starry Sky and Witchy Things (hosted under, you guessed it, my witch name). If you are looking for more of an objective look at magic from me and a bunch of awesome guests, that’s where you want to look for it. Season 1 in particular is the basics of being a cosmic witch, so if you’re new and interested that’s where you want to start.

It’s musings “about live, love, business, and Hakuoki” because that’s what my life is about. I’m a photographer by trade and own a business helping women-led brands up level their visual branding, I’m navigating a divorce, and Hakuoki is (in the words of my friend Diana) “a lifestyle and a religion” for me.

If what I’ve told you sounds like fun for you, you can just go ahead and subscribe clicking the button below. Otherwise, feel free to snoop around some more at the existing content to get a feel for it. I’d also love it if you could think of someone who’d love this newsletter and you shared it with them.

I’d love to connect with you in the chat, Note, comments, or you can email me at witchymusings@substack.com.

Keep living in wonder,

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A witch's thoughts on life, love, business, and Hakuoki, out on the 19th of every month


I'm a Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Scorpio Rising. Probably a Lyran Starseed. Devotee of the LBD, I may have been a dandy in the past life between Okita of the Shinsengumi and a flapper in New York. I live in London, for now. Oh, and I'm a witch